Wednesday, May 6, 2009

a glimpse into my mind

What's going on, well something interesting I didn't knowe before this class was about Mt. Baekdu. It always fascinates me, the similarities that are found in many cultures, I just want to focus on mountains. We all know now the importance of Mt. Baekdu to the Koreans and I wrote an email to the professor about the significance of mountains in ancient cultures. Just to get a glimpse in my wild imagination, I think that anciently most cultures had or new about the Gospel. we read about Nimrod (sumerians, babylonians) the Egyptians who came from Ham and tried imitating the priesthood (you can read that in the Pearl of Great Price) the Jaredites who were the first ones to come to the Americas (I like to think of them as the Olmecs, in the secular world) and I don't know about the Chinese but there are many similarities i'll just look at mountains. Mountains are sacred to many people (even in our Church) Temples have been a.k.a.'d The Mountain of the Lord, prophets have gone to commune with God in Mountains. Salt Lake City for example was built (the Temple) to be the center of the city where everything revolves around. So are mountains ancient holy places or temples are the same way. Mt. Kailash is known as the center of the world to many Hindus, Buddhists, Jains, Bon po followers, it was the first creation and civilization from their spread out. There is a good documentary of this. talks about it a little. In the Provo public library check out the documentary from Jason woods BBC I believe it's called the quest for shangrila. Sumerians erected ziggurats (artificial mountians) which were holy to them, Mt. Fuji, in Mexico Teotihuacan is also called 'the place where men become gods' where men gradually ascend little by little toward deity, in Borobudor a Buddhist Temple exists where one circumvents the Temple gradually to the top and it shows levels of higher holiness as one reaches the top. (hmmm...we are taught little by little and exaltation is attained gradually, as we travel through the three degrees of glory) an author from a book in church bookstores talks about how in the Salt lake Temple, on walks spirally towards the top resemling one's gradual journey to the top. Joong gook (China) is known as 'middle country' and civilization from there spreads out. There are many more examples of the holiness of mountains some other good references are Temple and Cosmos and Temples of the Ancient world. Heinsa Temple in Korea is also built in three segments the one in the middle being the highest and holiest, a stupa (Temples in India) is a circle on top of a square (the shapes a compass and square make) and lo and behold that same shape decorates our own Temples. Well ladies and gentlemen I think the Gospel was known to many people who later apostazized (we see that in the Mid East and Book of Mormon, and the Book of Mormon tells us of another gruop of people who had the Gospel adn we knoe there were others, Jesus tells the Nephites that there are other sheep that are not in that location. Also see Alma 29:8. Personally I think many cultures had the Gospel but apostasized, and bits and remnants are left. I will study this more, so I know that many Koreans see mountains as being sacred (Professor correct me if i'm wrong) but I was told that the Japanese cut many of the trees on the Mountains and rammed metal stakes into them to desecrate their 'holy shrines' . Ok well i'll get off my soapbox, see you all later, raul :) (you can also google axis mundi)

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